Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top Five for 2K13

1. Last of Us
2. GTA V
3. Metal Gear Rising
4. Gears of War Judgement
5. God of War Ascension

Its not too often we get to see top caliber titles come out in the first quarter; this year we get to see God of War AND a Metal Gear title pretty early.

Last of Us is getting ALL the buzz and it will be interesting if Naughty Dog does for the PS3 what Rare did for the N64.

GTA V is probably going to be a BIG release (mainly because its a multi platform title) because this is only the 2nd GTA title for the "current" gen - of course with the WiiU launch we are in a transitional year and if the rumors are true we might get more info from MS and Sony some point this year.

Happy New Year!

*RIP PS2 - after 13 years Sony is finally pulling the plug and stopping production in Japan…amazing run.

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